Whether because of a sudden increase in demand or for a recent project win, tap into our global network of 23,000+ agencies and identify contractors that ensure delivery and success.

Hire the best
contractors anywhere.
Gain access to a wide pool of talent in over 100 countries for all your contract hiring needs.
Quickly identify contractors through verified agencies
Manage contractors across borders using one platform
RAMP.Global’s end to end contract management includes secure storage of relevant documentation and contracts, timesheet tracking, invoice processing and extension management all in one place.
Grow your workforce, not your admin
Hire the most skilled contractors, onboard and store contracts in line with compliance, and pay across borders through one platform.

Unearth a world of hidden talent
Access a global network of 23,000+ specialist agencies, by skill, performance, and location. Boost fulfillment rates and achieve accelerated hiring success.
Send, sign and store agreements in one place
Create contracts and send to agencies or contractors for certified and authenticated signatures. Store all agreements in one central platform.
Centralise all contractor invoicing and payments
Remove the administrative burden of paying agency contractors globally through one unified payment process, in multiple currencies or locations.
Track and report on your contractor program
Easily keep track on your contractor workforce in any location, job category and skill so you can redeploy resource with confidence.
RAMP.Global’s agency network makes it easier for employers to identify and procure talent from 23,000+ staffing agencies in over 100 countries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our FAQ for quick answers to your queries.
Whether you’re a new or existing employer, this section provides detailed answers to your frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions not answered here, feel free to contact our team for further assistance
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Join a network of leading international employers using RAMP.Global.
Post jobs, get candidates and gain insights into agency hiring all in one place.